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case study

CUSTOMER:Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd
LOCATION:DSME and DSHI Shipyards, South Korea
MATERIAL:F22 - 2.25 Chrome


DSME tried to develop a weld procedure for the F22 modified chrome for over 2 years. They were largely unsuccessful due to consistently failing crack tip test requirements of the code of construction (ASME B31.3 Severe Cyclic Service Condition).

To further complicate the development, there was a large number of weld procedures needed due to the various pipe diameters and wall thicknesses.


• Liburdi GAPCO was utilised to take over development Capabilities studies in Houston, TX (close proximity to Chevron engineers)

• Filler material and consumables selection to meet the desired material properties

• Proceeded development on site in South Korea and in Houston, USA

• Developed post weld heat treatment procedures

• Controlled and standardized the welding technique for consistent results
To see how Liburdi GAPCO services can assist you in your current or next project, contact us today.